“Our mission is to provide expert statistics help and minimize costs in the design and statistical analysis of clinical trials and outcomes research studies. As experts in biostatistics and epidemiology, we provide consulting services for data analysis of medical device, pharmaceutical, and health economics studies.”

Clinical trials and biostatistical services

EXTRAPOLATE . . . LLC has a proven track record of client success in providing FDA with biostatistical methods sections of protocols, reports derived from our statistical analyses, and with technical oral presentations.

Health economics and outcomes research studies

EXTRAPOLATE . . . LLC provides statistical analysis services to industry, health maintenance organizations, and academia for outcomes research studies involving healthcare utilization, quality of care, patient reported outcomes, patient centered care, and cost effectiveness. We analyze large government, clinical and claims databases.

Expert testimony and litigation support

Dr. Freeman provides litigation support to attorneys, and expert testimony in biostatistics and epidemiology. Her experience encompasses occupational health, product liability, and medical malpractice cases. Additionally, she has published in the area of patent law and trade secrets.

Biostatistics and epidemiology training

EXTRAPOLATE . . . LLC delivers innovative, customized statistics and epidemiology training, emphasizing “statistical thinking.” We integrate training with clients’ substantive area, emphasizing study design, methods, and interpretation of results—attendees enjoy the workshops!

Scientific Writing: grants, publications and dissertation support

EXTRAPOLATE . . . LLC is your statistical resource for grant applications and publications. We have published more than 120 manuscripts in leading peer-reviewed international medical and technical journals, and have received numerous NIH grant awards. With our help, doctoral candidates have received degrees, professionals have achieved promotions, and faculty have been awarded grants.

Dr. Freeman has specialized in the design and analysis of multicenter, international clinical trials, and epidemiology outcomes research studies. She has trained healthcare, statistician and non-statistician professionals for over 25 years. Dr. Freeman received her doctorate in biostatistics from Columbia University, and attained the rank of Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She served as Director of Biostatistics at Montefiore Medical Center and was a member of the medical center’s Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects for over 12 years. Her client list includes the medical device and biopharmaceutical industries, health maintenance organizations (HMO’s), and academia.

[Click here for CV]